


Susanna Pozzolo graduated in Law from the University of Genoa (1993) and holds PhD in Analytical Philosophy and General Theory of Law from the University of Milan (1998). Her thesis on Legal Positivism and Neo-Constitutionalism (Giappichelli, Turin 2001, Palestra, Lima 2011) opens the debate on the same subject at international level. Lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Genoa in 2000. She has been a visitor at several Universities and has participated in numerous seminars and congresses in Europe and Latin America. She teaches Philosophy of Law at the University of Brescia, where she also teaches Legal Informatics and Ethics of new technologies. She is director of the Ateneo Centre on Gender Studies LOG at the same University and scientific leader of several EU-funded research projects on gender and LGBTQI+ issues. She participates in several national and international research groups and is a member of the editorial and/or scientific board of renowned journals (among which, in addition to Isonomia, Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, Ragion pratica, About Gender). Her main areas of study focus on the interpretation of law, constitutionalism, rights, feminism, gender and new technologies. Her writings on these topics include several books and articles (only the last ones are mentioned: Locatio ventris. Il corpo come mezzo e come fine, "Ragion pratica", 1/2021; Some Observation on the Standard Balancing Theory, in "Rivista di filosofia del diritto", 2020; Un equilibrio forse instabile. Diritti delle minoranze, costituzionalismo democratico e democrazia diretta, in "GenIUS", 2020-1; Avvistamenti dall'isola che non c'è, in Mauricio Maldonado, Pau Luque (a cura di), Discutendo con Bruno Celano, vol I, Marcial Pons, Madrid, Spagna, 2020; Vulnerabilidad personal o contextual? Aproximaciones al análisis de derecho en perspectiva de género, in "Isonomía", 51, 2019).