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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors must confirm that the submission has not been published previously in journals books. In the case of prior publication on electronic platforms (e.g. SSRN, Researchgate, Academia…) authors must eliminate the publication before submitting the article to Isonomía.
  • Authors must also confirm that their article has not been submitted, reviewed or is being reviewed by another journal or publisher at the same time.
  • Authors must submit their text as a Microsoft Word file.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • A blind version of the manuscript without the author’s name and affiliation in the heading and without any identifiable reference in the body of the text to the authors’ previous work.
  • Both the title and the abstract of the manuscript must be translated into English. Abstracts’ length is 200 words max. A list of between four and eight keywords must also be included, both in the original language of the manuscript and in English.
  • A signed and scanned PDF document, in which the author expresses the interest in publishing the manuscript in Isonomía and stating that it has not been previously published, sent for, or under review with any other publisher, journal or electronic publishing platform.
  • If applicable, a separate document with acknowledgments, which, in case the manuscript is accepted for publication, will appear as a separate paragraph at the end of it.

Author Guidelines

Isonomía welcomes submissions of Research Articles, Essays, Book Reviews, Forum, Interviews, and Translations. For full details on their different requirements and features as well as on the style guide and other submissions’ requirements check Instructions for Authors.

All manuscripts must be submitted through the website of the Journal, subject to prior registration, indicating the section, the language of the manuscript and providing all the required metadata.

Manuscripts do not necessarily have to comply with the editorial standards at the time of submission. However, in case of being accepted for publication, compliance with the editorial standards will be required for a manuscript to be sent for production.

Further information

The opinions expressed in the published material are the sole responsibility of the authors.

The journal reserves the right to make the editorial changes regarding style and form it deems necessary.

The journal reserves the copyright of the published material. Copies may be made or published on digital platforms for academic or personal research purposes only. For any other use, including translation of published material into other languages, permission must be sought from the Journal. The full reproduction of articles and other published texts is prohibited. Citation of parts of published texts without prior permission is permitted if the source is duly identified.

Special Issue on Hans Jonas’ Principle of Responsibility Principle in the Context of Climate Change

Despite Jonas’ early warnings and growing worldwide attention and academic commentary focusing on climate change and its potentially devastating effects, we are fast approaching the 2.7°C global warming level, a figure way above the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C degrees Celsius and potentially triggering irreversible consequences. 

Against this background, it seems justified to intensify our normative and descriptive philosophical and ethical thinking on climate change. For its special issue, Isonomía is pleased to invite submissions that engage our ethical, philosophical, and legal responsibilities and challenges from the point of view of Hans Jonas’ famous “principle of responsibility”. Potential topics of interest to us include:

- The limits and normative desirability of technological fixes to climate change

- The adequacy of Jonas’ categorical imperative in today’s environmental context and existing environmental normative ethical proposals

- Jonas’ controversial endorsement of a dictatorship to save humanity

- The relationship between Hans Jonas’ work and contemporary authors such as Timothy Morton, Naomi Klein, Dale Jamieson, Simon Caney or César Nava Escudero

- Dialogue between Hans Jonas’ environmental ethics and more recent approaches such as feminist climate change ethics following the impulse of Christine Cuomo and Nancy Tuana

- Acceptable civilizational changes to ensure the survival of mankind vs. changes that would violate human dignity

Research Articles

Research Articles are full-fledged academic original submissions. The Journal reviews manuscripts of up to 14,000 words (including notes and bibliography), although the ideal length falls between 9,000 and 12,000 words. Therefore, authors may be asked to collaborate with the Editors to trim their papers to fewer words.

Guest Articles

In this section we publish articles that we have requested on topics that we consider relevant to the Journal. 


The Essays section includes short research articles and essays, theoretical case notes and analyses of legislative developments. Submissions should be under 8,000 words (including notes and bibliography).


In Forum, we accept submissions of variable length engaging with previously published pieces in Isonomía or providing critical reactions to pressing legal issues. Forum submissions do not need to comply with the formal and substantive requirements of Research Articles and are expected to stimulate theoretical reflection on the issues addressed by the journal in a more flexible setting. Maximum length of submissions is 12,000 words.


Interviews offer another venue to make available less formal academic outputs. It comprises conversations with established authors on topics falling within the Journal’s scope.

Book Reviews

The Book Reviews section publishes critical analyses of recently published work. Isonomía accepts book reviews under 2,000 words and review essays normally under 6,000 words.

Constitutionalism, democracy and deliberation

El número especial que aquí se propone tiene por objetivo la compilación de trabajos que aborden la conexión entre el constitucionalismo, la democracia y la deliberación.

Privacy Statement

Isonomía adheres to the following specifications regarding personal data:

Isonomía adheres to the following principles regarding personal data:

1. The necessary personal data are used by the Journal for purely editorial purposes.

2. Isonomía does not disclose personal data to third parties.

3. The full name, ORCID, and affiliation will be published as part of the authorship of the text.

4. The author shall not use personal data relative to third parties except when authorized. Proof of express authorization must be attached to the submission of her text.