El estado laico según mater ecclesía

Libertad religiosa y libertad de conciencia en una sociedad democrática


  • Pierluigi Chiassoni Universidad de Génova.


The author talks about the two possible forms of State the Church of Rome has created; the lay state (based on clear principles which separate the church from the state, and considers religions should stay within the private sphere) that is considered as a negative model according to the Church of Rome and the “truly lay” State (which eliminates the separation between church and State and allows the Church’s participation on the public sphere) that is proposed as the ideal model. The author confronts this idea from its ideology, as he recognizes himself as a “late liberal”. He faces up the central values of the “truly lay” model with the core values of modern democracies, such as fundamental rights like religious freedom, freedom of speech and specially, freedom of conscience.



How to Cite

Chiassoni, P. (2007). El estado laico según mater ecclesía: Libertad religiosa y libertad de conciencia en una sociedad democrática. Isonomía - Revista De teoría Y filosofía Del Derecho, (27), 143–169. Retrieved from https://isonomia.itam.mx/index.php/revista-cientifica/article/view/379



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