Deliberativismo reflexivo y erosión democrática. Objeciones a las propuestas pluralistas
democratic erosion, empirical political science, pluralist democracy, constitutionalism, reflexive deliberativismAbstract
Reflexive Deliberativism and Democratic Erosion. Objections to Pluralist Proposals
How do we define the concept of democratic erosion? Is it interchangeable with those of democratic deconsolidation or regression? Does the pluralist conception of democracy have sufficient explanatory capacity for these concepts? It is in response to these three main questions that in this article we will focus on fulfilling three objectives. In the first place, we will identify the answers offered to these questions by the political scientists Y. Mounk and R. Foa, who have founded the paradigm of democratic deconsolidation and assume their own reading of the pluralist conception of democracy, as well as we will explain certain objections that have been raised by some of their political scientist colleagues. Secondly, we will analyze the answers to these questions provided by some constitutionalists such as A. Dias and R. Gargarella. This second group of authors will allow us to refine the objections to the theoretical proposal of Y. Mounk and R. Foa. Thirdly, we will propose our own, alternative and exploratory response to these unknowns, from a reflexive conception of the concept of deliberative democracy, which is built on the deliberative contributions of J. Habermas, C. S. Nino and J. L. Martí; the theorizations of political reflexivity by R. Forst, R. Goodin, P. Rosanvallon, and M. Archer; and the concept of neoliberalism offered by W. Brown.
Keywords: Anglo-Saxon political science; democratic erosion; pluralistic democracy; South American political theory; reflexive democracy.
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