Principio de eficacia e imperio de la ley. Observaciones en torno a su relación


  • Diego Almonacid-Almarza Universidad Austral de Chile



principle of efficacy, rule of law, formal legality, social dimension of the law


Principle of efficacy and rule of law. Observations about their relationship

The purpose of this work is to explore the relationship between the principle of efficacy and the rule of law as formal legality. A substantial part of the work is dedicated to reconstructing the foundation attributed to each notion in the prevailing legal theories and how they are related to the concept of law and the existence of legal systems This examination shows that the formal legality and the principle of effectiveness share the same foundation, which allows establishing certain relationships between them. The main results of this analysis are two. First, there is no unanimous determination about the relationship between the principle of efficacy and the rule of law as a legal formality with the concept of law and with the conditions of existence of legal systems. Second, two of the most influential positions in the literature on the relationship between both notions, present in the works of M. Kramer and J. Raz, have significant problems.


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How to Cite

Almonacid-Almarza, D. (2023). Principio de eficacia e imperio de la ley. Observaciones en torno a su relación. Isonomía - Revista De teoría Y filosofía Del Derecho, (58).



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