Una defensa contextual del control judicial activista: erosión democrática y búsqueda deliberativa de legitimidad
philosophy of law, constitutional democracy, deliberation, democratic legitimacyAbstract
A Case for a Contextual Activist Judicial Review: Democratic Erosion and Deliberative Quest for Legitimacy
The article discusses and normatively defends a judicial review model focused on democracies operating in less favorable conditions at a political, social or economic level. After three decades of judicial experimentalism in Latin America, scholars in the region should also adopt an instrumental perspective to evaluate the performance of this mechanism in the quality of democratic institutions and in the right’s enforcement. Judicial review has developed an additional dimension with respect to invalidation of legislative or political pieces for unjustifiably violating constitution’s core elements, typically, basic rights. A proactive or activist dimension has materialized in decisions that issue complex orders, with remedies and monitoring mechanisms of different intensities, facing massive and repeated violations of rights that deepen social inequality. To approach both normative and instrumental variables, the case of the Colombian constitutional court is analyzed. Deliberative strategies, during the formation process of this type of decisions, have proven to be fundamental to provide it with institutional legitimacy and to contribute to the legitimacy of the political system as a whole.
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