


Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero is a full-time Associate Researcher at the Institute for Philosophical Research of UNAM. He did his bachelor's degree at UNAM Law School, graduating in 1992 with the thesis "Contemporary History of the Philosophy of Law in Mexico" (1992). He completed his doctorate in law at the University of Alicante, Spain, where he graduated in 1998 with the thesis "The concept of subjective right in contemporary legal theory", supervised by Manuel Atienza.

He has been teaching postgraduate subjects at the Faculty of Law of the UNAM: Theories of Legal Argumentation, History of Legal Philosophy (I and II), Contemporary Legal Theory (I and II), Research Methods for Law, Theories of Justice, and Human Rights. He has also taught courses at the Faculty of Philosophy and at UNAM’s Institute for Legal Research. He has carried out research stays at the Universities of Alicante (2001), Oxford (2005-2006), Torcuato di Tella (2006), Pompeu Fabra (2009) and at the Institute for Science, Ethics & Innovation of the University of Manchester (2011). He has carried out research stays at the Universities of Alicante (2001), Oxford (2005-2006), Torcuato di Tella (2006), Pompeu Fabra (2009) and at the Institute for Science, Ethics & Innovation of the University of Manchester (2011).

He is a member of the National System of Researchers (Level 3) and a member of the College of Bioethics A.C. He has been director of Isonomía - Revista de Teoría y Filosofía del Derecho and is currently part of its Editorial Board. He has also formed or forms part of the editorial committees of journals such as: Diánoia, Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado, Justicia Electoral, Discusiones, Estudios de Derecho, Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, among others.

His main books are: El concepto de derecho subjetivo (Fontamara, 1999, 2004, 2015); El lenguaje de los derechos. Ensayo para una teoría estructural de los derechos (Trotta, 2007); Hacia una teoría constitucional de los derechos humanos (IECEQ, 2017), and, with Zamir A. Fajardo, Derechos de personas jurídicas (IIJ-CNDH-UNAM, 2018).