Kant y el fenómeno de los derechos humanos como profecía histórica


  • Francisco Javier Iracheta Universidad Iberoamericana, Puebla




Kant, human rights, phenomenon of human rights, anthropology, prophetic history


Kant and the phenomenon of human rights as a prophetic history

The article explores an alternative way to understand a possible Kantian approach towards the topic of human rights in comparison to the metaphysical one which is shown in a couple of recent contributions worked out by Jürgen Habermas and Otfried Höffe. It intends to demonstrate that the way these authors defend Kant´s eventual contribution to the human rights’ cause, sustained on his aprioristic and transcendental doctrine of morals, does not resist analysis if what matters above all is to defend the human quality and universality of these rights. By appraising the concept of the “phenomenon of human rights” addressed foremost by the Argentine philosopher and jurist Eduardo Rabossi, the paper seeks to show instead that a non-transcendental stand taking up by Kant which is both historical and anthropological as it appears in the explanation of the relationship between revolution and moral progress in the second essay of his book The conflict of faculties, adjusts more persuasively to what these rights represent.


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How to Cite

Iracheta, F. J. (2021). Kant y el fenómeno de los derechos humanos como profecía histórica. Isonomía - Revista De teoría Y filosofía Del Derecho, (55). https://doi.org/10.5347/isonomia.v0i55.435



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