Bem comum e cidadania numa era emotivista: A política identitária como vetor da crise e renovação do debate público
identity politics, public debate, emotivism, citizenship, common goodAbstract
Common Good and Citizenship in an Emotivist Era: he Role of Identity Poli-tics in the Crisis and Renewal of Public Debate
This article analyzes the concepts of citizenship and common good in the context of modern moral emotivism and the public sphere crisis generated, among other causes, by a distortion of identity politics. To this end, this work surveys the literature to develop a theoret-ical analysis of central concepts of contemporary practical philosophy, covering authors such as MacIntyre, Lilla, Taylor, Finnis, Sandel and Kymlicka. After introducing MacIntyre’s diagnosis of modern emotivist ethos as a cause of the incommensurability of moral controversies and Lilla’s criticism of the depoliticization caused by identity politics’ atomism, this paper studies the conditions for the theoretical rehabilitation of the concepts of citizenship and the common good. For this purpose, the article relies on Aristotelian and communitarian ethics of practical reason, in which civic friendship is relevant to equalize differences in a larger political unity. The conclusion is that identity politics may be safeguarded if balanced with the concept of common good, to overcome the emotional contradictions plaguing public debate.
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