Sobre La derrota del derecho en América Latina. Siete tesis, de Roberto Gargarella, Siglo XXI, 2020, 96 pp.


  • Donald Bello Hutt Universidad de Valladolid
  • Fernando Longás Uranga Universidad de Valladolid



Latin-America, constitutionalism, equality, representation, deliberation


On La derrota del derecho en América Latina. Siete tesis, by Roberto Gargarella, Siglo XXI, 2020, 96 pp.

These pages examine one of Roberto Gargarella’s latest books. The manuscript, a diagnosis of the structural and normative problems affecting Latin-American constitutionalism, opens up debates central to the reforms of the region’s legal and political systems while advancing a regulative ideal towards which those reforms should be directed: the ideal of the law as a conversation among equals. While expounding those arguments the review comments on the book’s merits. It then offers critical remarks regarding the ways in which the ideal of the conversation among equals frames the relations between representative institutions and the citizenry. It finishes underscoring the thought-provoking aspects of La derrota del derecho en América Latina.


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How to Cite

Bello Hutt, D., & Longás Uranga, F. (2022). Sobre La derrota del derecho en América Latina. Siete tesis, de Roberto Gargarella, Siglo XXI, 2020, 96 pp. Isonomía - Revista De teoría Y filosofía Del Derecho, (56), 151–159.


