Las expresiones de atracción sexual en el espacio público: entre el acoso callejero, los piropos y la cosificación
street harassment, recognition, objectification, negative libertyAbstract
Unwanted sexualized comments: Between Street Harassment, Compliments and Objectification
Unwanted sexualized comments, generally called “street harassment”, “cat calling”, or, in Spanish-speaking societies, “compliments”, raise many questions, especially of the legal, sociological, and moral kind. In this article, I will concentrate on the moral valuation of the phenomenon. I will present three possible attitudes towards expressions of sexual attraction in public spaces: one positive, one neutral and one negative. I shall argue in favor of the third attitude, criticizing such manifestations of sexual attraction as morally reprehensible. Besides, I try to show that such a moral view evades the slippery slope argument that blocks any intent to establish contact with another person. On the contrary, I present a criterion to distinguish morally acceptable and moral unacceptable forms of interaction.
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