Jurisprudencia deliberativa


  • Lorena Ramírez




precedents, deliberation, constitutional court, civil law tradition


Deliberative Precedential Reasoning

In this paper I am concerned with deliberation between constitutional courts and ordinary courts, that is, deliberation between courts. Specifically, I am concerned with the impact that the establishment of a system of descending vertical interpretive precedents may have on deliberation between courts. To this end, I first analyze the main arguments that are usually advanced against the existence of genuine precedents in the systems of the civil law legal tradition. After discussing these arguments, I show which elements of the system of precedents can favor an adequate deliberation between courts, resulting in an improvement of the quality of their decisions.


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How to Cite

Ramírez, L. (2024). Jurisprudencia deliberativa. Isonomía - Revista De teoría Y filosofía Del Derecho, (61), 206–228. https://doi.org/10.5347/61/2024/680



Democracia y constitucionalismo: distensión deliberativa